
RequestBuilder is a Swift package designed to simplify and standardize the creation of URLRequest objects, making it easier to configure and use different API environments.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


RequestBuilder is a Swift package designed to simplify and standardize the creation of URLRequest objects, making it easier to configure and use different API environments.



  • APIMode: API mode to switch between different environments.
  • APIPath: Create a way to define and manage API routes/endpoints.
  • HTTP Methods: Add support HTTP methods to create the request.
  • Headers: Provide a simple way to add and check headers to requests and responses.


  • Network Errors: Defining and handling common network errors.
  • RequestBuilder: Create the request builder to form the API requests.

Future Improvements / Ideas

  • APIMode configuration: Implement the ability to use a configuration file for APIMode.
  • Performance Optimisation: Investigate and improve the performance of the framework.
  • Documentation and Samples: Improve documentation and add more examples of use.
  • Research for APIPAth optimisation: Try to find a better way to force developers to register their path before use.


  • Standards the creation of URLRequest objects.
  • It makes it easy to set up different API environments (e.g., development and production).
  • It provides a secure and typed way to define API routes and HTTP methods.
  • Provides a simple way to standardise the models (DTO) for both requests and responses.


  • iOS 16.0+
  • Swift 5.5+


Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/rodri2d2/RequestBuilder.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "XXX"))