Parcel Themekit Starter


This project is based on a great Medium post from Dan Webb. I've grown pretty frustrated with trying to use both Slate V0 & Slate V1, both of which seem to have lost all ongoing development support at Shopify. Alas, the starter files you need to get a custom theme up and running are pretty slim.

Parcel bundler helps us to use some more modern development techniques & build for a wide variety of browsers using PostCSS & Babel. Some notable depedencies are babel-polyfill and jquery - as from what I understand, jQuery is required to interact with some of Shopify's client APIs.


  • Run git clone MY_THEME_NAME
  • Run sudo npm i -g parcel-bundler
  • Install the dependencies with command yarn
  • Create a config.yml file at project root based on the example with your store credentials & connect to a theme. You can clone the starter Debut theme & then connect to the clone to make life easier.
  • Run yarn dev command to watch for changes
  • Build the production bundle files with yarn build.
  • Finally, sync the built files to your store with yarn deploy.
  • Simple build command is tested in this repo via Circle CI. Settings could be extended to test whatever you need.