For each distribution (country), we have 3 instances in our dev lifecycle: Master, Test and Stable.
uy-master, br-master, ar-master Will have the latest code and it's were all branches will be merged in first place after an internal test is made. And is the origin branch of any new feature.
uy-test, br-test, ar-test The code that was tested in master and needs to be tested by the users or another level of QA, will be merged in this branch. Where an AWS pipeline will grab the code changes and make a deployment to the correspondent server instance. Those changes should be applied after 30 minutes the PR has been merged down.
uy-stable, br-stable, ar-stable Will have the changes that will be visible in the production enviroment. In order to merge any changes here, the developer needs to create a Pull Request (PR) that needs to be approved by a member of the team with stable privileges. After that, the process is the same as test, an AWS pipeline will grab the lates changes and make a deployment to production. Those changes should be applied after 30 minutes the PR has been merged down.
Any development (that is usually attached to an Jira ticket) needs to be developed in a new branch in which it's base branch will depend on the nature of the ticket and the distribution (country).
A) Eg, if the ticket requests a feature in te Uruguay site, the origin of that branch should be uy-master
and the naming should have the ticket nature and code as a prefix, followed by a short descriptive name: feature/URU123-change-button-color
B) If we need to fix an error that is in the test enviroment of Uruguay (the user found a bug while testing an unreleased feature), the origin of the branch should be uy-test
and the branch name should be something like test-fix/BRA123-my-bad
and that branch will be merged down into uy-test
C) While if we need to fix a stable bug in Brazil, the origin of the branch should be br-stable
and the branch name should be something like stable-fix/BRA123-make-it-work-again
and that branch will be merged down into br-stable
thru an approved Pull Request.
All the environment dependent configuration is fetched from an .env file in the root of this project. So make a copy of the /.env.default
file and name it /.env
, and check or update the requested values
In order to be able to access the API using cookies, you will need to access from a trusted origin (Eg. To do that you must create an entry on your local hosts file in order to enable that name to resolve to your local IP address.
You can find your host file location here:
Example hosts (add this below the existing lines):
Install libraries
npm install
Run the app
npm run start
Run the app
npm run dev
5.1 in VSCODE launch "Start with Chrome" 5.2 on the auto opened Chrome window, go to 5.3 that session will be atrached with the VSCODE debugger
We are using AWS EC2 to host the API. So for being able to set changes in the enviroment, you'll need an IAM user that has access to the AWS account.
All the enviroment dependent configuration is fetched from the enviroment with enviroment variables (same as local) but in this case, the enviroment variables are read from
use node 14
You can instal nvm to easily switch node versions
nvm install 14
nvm use 14
Failed to compile. ./src/styles/index.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--5-oneOf-6-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss!./node_modules/resolve-url-loader??ref--5-oneOf-6-3!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--5-oneOf-6-4!./src/styles/index.scss) Error: Missing binding /Users/rodrigobutta/arc/dealers/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/darwin-x64-83/binding.node Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: OS X 64-bit with Node.js 14.x
npm rebuild node-sass