Overcome is a web application where anyone can start working out without judgement in a cozy and welcoming place. One of its main focus is the mental health aspect of exercises and you can even record journals of your journey :)
You can use the app here:
Or if you are solely interested in the back-end:
You can check the API documentation at https://github.com/rodrigocqb/Overcome-Back
Overcome is a mental health focused fitness application. Below are the implemented features:
- Sign up
- Login
- Google OAuth login
- Persistent sessions using JSON Web Token
- Logout
- Show list of exercises on the database
- Create new exercises
- Create a new objective
- Update user's objective
- Show the user's sheet list
- Create new exercise sheet
- Insert exercises into exercise sheet
- Delete sheets
- Start a new workout based on the sheets the user has
- Save workout on the database
- See user's history of workouts
- Save cardio workouts
- Show the user their journal list
- Read older journals
- Edit older journals
- Delete older journals
- Create new journals
The following tools and frameworks were used in the construction of this front-end:
- Create a root project called Overcome-Front
mkdir Overcome-Front
- Clone this repository
- Create .env based on .env.example
- If you don't have docker and/or docker compose, please make sure you have both installed
- Run docker compose
docker-compose up --build
- Clone the back-end an run the instructions at https://github.com/rodrigocqb/Overcome-Back
- After that, you can access the app through http://localhost:80/
- If you have something running on port 80, please close the process so you can run the application. In case you had, just rerun docker compose up. A common reason for that is the apache process on Ubuntu. You can stop it by running:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop