
Calculate dipole response for HHG using the Strong Field Approximation (SFA) with saddle-point

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Python library for computing High-Order Harmonic Generation (HHG) spectra relying on the Strong Field Approximation (SFA) with saddle point.


Create a new build folder, execute cmake and make

git clone git@github.com:rmhsik/pySFA.git
cd pySFA
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

API Reference

pySFA(Ip, efield, t, nthreads=1)

Compute the dipole response in time domain using the Strong-Field Approximation.

Parameter Type Description
Ip double Ionization potential of the atomic target in atomic units
efield double Real driving electric field array. It must be the same legnth as t. It must be in atomic units
t double Temporal array in atomic units
nt int Number of threads to perform the integration. Optional
Return Type Description
dipole_array complex Complex dipole response array in the temporal domain


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pySFA import pySFA

def sin2(t,tmax):
  Sin-squared temporal envelope
  env = 0
  if -tmax/2<t and t < tmax/2:
      env = np.sin(np.pi*(t-tmax/2)/tmax)**2
  return env

w0 = 0.057 # 800 nm wavelength in atomic untis
e0 = 0.067 # ~1.6x10^14 W/cm2 
period = 2*np.pi/w0

t,dt = np.linspace(-10*period,10*period, 8192,retstep=True)
n = t.shape[0]
tmax = 16*period
mask = np.array([sin2(ti,tmax) for ti in t])

efield = e0*mask*np.exp(1j*w0*t)

Ip = 0.578 # Ionization potential for Argon
dipole  = pySFA(Ip, efield, t, nthreads=16)

## Spectrum calculation
dw = 2*np.pi/(n*dt)
wmax = n*dw/2
w = np.arange(0,wmax,dw)
hhg_spectrum = np.abs(np.fft.rfft(dipole.real))**2
