A fun collaboration between Sethu Raman and Donovan White.
Note: This is tutorial code. Production ready code needs to handle security etc which are not handled here
Step 1: Setup Rabbit MQ - docker setup is quick. Below one liner should work. However official documentation is available for reference
docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -h rabbit_host --name rmq rabbitmq:3.7.14
Step 2: Setup Event Hubs: Follow instructions in the EventHubsSetup.script
Step 3: Setup python environment (conda/virtual env) - and pip install pika azure-eventhub
Step 4: Update the config.json
with both Rabbit MQ & Event Hub parameters
Step 5: Pump messages into Rabbit MQ by running SendMsgsToRabbitMQ.py
Step 6: Push messages from Rabbit MQ to Azure Event Hub by running PushFromRabbitToEH.py
Step 7: You could check the messages in Azure Event Hub by running EventHubTestRecv.py