Spatial Search Showdown

Spatial search techniques in PostGIS and ElasticSearch: fast and scalable search against a large spatial dataset with both geographic and text queries.

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When looking at potential solutions for geographic data and search engines, there were many contenders, two of which I will look at in more depth: PostGIS and ElasticSearch. I'll give an overview of the installation and setup process then compare their performance with some simple benchmarks. The intention is not to provide a full tutorial for either technology; rather I hope to convey the general tradeoffs you might consider when evaluating your options.

We'll use the GeoNames database which provides 8+ million points representing named geographic locations.


Why PostGIS and ElasticSearch

PostGIS, the spatial extension to the ubiquitous PostgreSQL relational database, was chosen largely because it's currently the most proven and advanced open source spatial database. So it's big on the spatial data but not as well regarded or widely used for its search.

ElasticSearch, on the other hand, is tightly focused on distributed search. It's a highly searchable, highly scalable document store, not a database. The ElasticSearch spatial extensions can index geographic coordinates and provides basic geo search capabilities. So, ElasticSearch is big on the fast, scalable search with some spatial capabilities added on.


Rather than going into extensive detail on the setup and tuning of these systems, I'll try to use and reference the standard best practices rather than invent new solutions. In other words, the experience should mimic the "out-of-box" experience for most developers just digging in.

  1. Install software as virtual machines
  2. Load geonames data
  3. Run benchmarks


Both postgis and elasticsearch were installed to two separate virtualbox virtual machines running Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit. Vagrant was used to orchestrate the setup and the setup was done via shell scripts. After running vagrant up in the root directory, I get two running VMs with ports 9200 (for elasticsearch) and 5432 (for postgres) available to the network.


Instead of using host-only network (the vagrant default for virtualbox machines), we set up a private network with static IPs to allow more accurate modeling of most production environments:

  • is the db box running postgres
  • is the es box running elasticsearch

Postgres setup

We can run this to test the connection:

psql -d geonames -U postgres -h


ElasticSearch required that we explicitly bind it the IP address on our private network. See the elasticsearch.yml file.

We can confirm it is working by visiting - which gives you something like this:

Not pretty but a passable web user interface. My preferred way to test it is using curl to make requests through the HTTP interface. In this example we just post a json document with some info about a city; that's the essence of elasticsearch. No

curl -XPOST -d '
{"city": "Anchorage", 
 "state": "AK",
 "location": {
   "lat": "61.2180556",
   "lon": "-149.9002778"}}'

Loading data

Geonames and postgis have been around for a while and there are plenty of tutorials and blog posts for getting geonames data into postgis.

The most comprehensive solution was geonames-for-postgis which I forked from jvarga. It is one big shell script which downloads from and creates a highly optimized, indexed postgis-enabled database from scratch. It's a bit fragile and needs quite a bit of tweaking if you want to customize the behavior. But, once working, it is a rock solid and reliable way to reproduce the database with a single command.

$ ./
$ psql -h -U postgres geonames -c "SELECT count(1) FROM geoname;"
(1 row)

Great, about 9.9 million rows in the geoname table. Let's look at that table in more detail:

$ psql -h -U postgres geonames -c "SELECT * FROM geoname LIMIT 1"
   id    | geonameid |   name    | asciiname | alternatenames | latitude | longitude | fclass | fcode | country | cc2 | admin1 | admin2 | admin3 | admin4 | population | elevation | gtopo30 |   timezone    |  moddate   |                      the_geom
 2315965 |   3106116 | Venturada | Venturada | Venturada      | 40.79717 |  -3.61974 | P      | PPLA3 | ES      |     | 29     | M      | 28169  |        |       1193 |           |     865 | Europe/Madrid | 2012-03-04 | 0101000020E6100000302FC03E3AF50CC019ADA3AA09664440
(1 row)

Now we can start executing more interesting queries: here's an example of a spatial query with a naive text search for the string hof in both the name and alternatenames fields.

SELECT name, country
FROM geoname
WHERE geoname.the_geom && ST_MakeEnvelope(10.9351, 49.3866, 11.201, 49.5138, 4326)
AND ( LIKE '%hof%'
  OR geoname.alternatenames LIKE '%hof%');

                       name                        | country
 Ritzmannshof                                      | DE
 Bahnhof Nürnberg-Doos                             | DE
 Doos                                              | DE
 Atzenhof                                          | DE
 Weigelshof                                        | DE
 Schafhof                                          | DE
 Bahnhof Nürnberg-Ost                              | DE

This query clocks in at a blazing fast (about 0.35 ms) thanks to the many optimizations in the script.

SELECT name, country
FROM geoname
WHERE geoname.the_geom && ST_MakeEnvelope(10.9351, 49.3866, 11.201, 49.5138, 4326)
AND ( LIKE '%hof%'
  OR geoname.alternatenames LIKE '%hof%');
 Bitmap Heap Scan on geoname  (cost=9.85..761.09 rows=1 width=17) (actual time=0.148..0.254 rows=37 loops=1)
   Recheck Cond: (the_geom && '0103000020E61000000100000005000000ADFA5C6DC5DE25401A51DA1B7CB14840ADFA5C6DC5DE2540A857CA32C4C14840F4FDD478E9662640A857CA32C4C14840F4FDD478E96626401A51DA1B7CB14840ADFA5C6DC5DE25401A51DA1B7CB14840'::geometry)
   Filter: (((name)::text ~~ '%hof%'::text) OR (alternatenames ~~ '%hof%'::text))
   Rows Removed by Filter: 191
   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_geoname  (cost=0.00..9.85 rows=191 width=0) (actual time=0.134..0.134 rows=228 loops=1)
         Index Cond: (the_geom && '0103000020E61000000100000005000000ADFA5C6DC5DE25401A51DA1B7CB14840ADFA5C6DC5DE2540A857CA32C4C14840F4FDD478E9662640A857CA32C4C14840F4FDD478E96626401A51DA1B7CB14840ADFA5C6DC5DE25401A51DA1B7CB14840'::geometry)
 Total runtime: 0.350 ms
(7 rows)

Data model and relationships

That's the geoname table, the main data source. But there are several other secondary tables which provide some crucial information. Let's explore some of the relationships.

And now we can perform our same query as before but join it with the featurecodes table to get additional context about the place name.

SELECT, g.alternatenames,, g.fcode, f.code,, ST_GeoHash(g.the_geom)
FROM geoname AS g
JOIN featurecodes AS f
ON f.code = g.featurecodeid
WHERE g.the_geom && ST_MakeEnvelope(10.9351, 49.3866, 11.201, 49.5138, 4326)
AND ( LIKE '%hof%'
  OR g.alternatenames LIKE '%hof%');

  name                        | country |  code   |            name            | description
---------------------------------------------------+---------+---------+----------------------------+----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
 Ritzmannshof                 | DE      | P.PPL   | populated place            | a city, town, village, or other agglomer ation of buildings where people live and work
 Bahnhof Nürnberg-Doos        | DE      | S.RSTN  | railroad station           | a facility comprising ticket office, pla tforms, etc. for loading and unloading train passengers and freight

Getting data into ElasticSearch

A stream of data, directly from postgres. JDBC River. TODO

Clean up

curl -XDELETE ''
curl -XDELETE ''

Post a new "river" to grab data from postgis. See json file for details.

curl -XPOST '' -d @create_river_geo.json

This will take a while, you can check the web interface or GET this URL:

curl '*/_state?pretty'

And now query it. See the json file for details.

curl -XPOST '' -d @geoquery.json

Wrapper web service

Next steps


ab -n 10000 -c 10 "http://localhost:5000/geonames/search?bbox=-121.39277590296751,44.88370349926848,-121.05151308558469,45.13322931873461"

for i in {1..10} do curl -s -w %{time_total}\n -o /dev/null "http://localhost:5000/elasticsearch/search?bbox=10.9351,49.3866,11.201,49.5138" done


for i in {1..10} do curl -s -w %{time_total}\n -o /dev/null "http://localhost:5000/postgis/search?bbox=10.9351,49.3866,11.201,49.5138" done


Wow, postgis is > 10x faster

reusing sessions with the requests lib brings es down to 0.153

ab testings

A couple different server options

uwsgi --http :8000 -w app:app --venv /Users/mperry/env/geonames/  -p 8
gunicorn app:app -w 8

Test with

ab -n 1000 -r -c 120 \
Server Median request time
uwsgi with -p 8 workers 162 ms
gunincorn with -w 8 workers 158 ms
tornado 553 ms
gevent 592 ms
built-in flask server 655 ms

Front end