Back-end API, a solution to control home tasks.


DrivenPOCTS is a API for storage, insert and update home tasks by residents.

How to run:

  1. Clone this repository;
  2. Install all dependencies: 'npm i';
  3. Open PSQL by PgAdmin or Terminal
  4. Create a PSQL database with name: 'drivenpocts';
  5. Copy all info of dump.sql file that is not a comment and paste the info on a script;
  6. Run the script;
  7. Go to the file: ...src/database/database.ts, and insert your info for host, user, password;
  8. On terminal insert: 'npm start';

How to use:

  1. After starting, API can be used on ThunderClient or other similar application;
  2. The route (get) '/taks' returns all home tasks registred;
  3. The route (post) '/addTask' insert a task, password of 'responsible' is required and have to be send by 'headers', 'authorization';
    Object expected on body:
      name: ...,
      description: ...,
      day: ...,
      idResponsible: ...,
      status: ...
  4. The route (post) '/addResponsible' insert a responsible and returns the new responsible password;
    Object expected on body:
  5. The route (put) '/completeTask/:taskId' set task status to true, that means task is completed, needs the taskId to be updated;
  6. The route (delete) '/deleteTask/:taskId' delete a task, needs taskId and password of 'responsible', password have to be send by 'headers', 'authorization';
  7. The route (get) '/taskInfo' returns quantity of tasks by users, if the user has no tasks he will not be showed;