Product Viewer

Product Viewer is a sample iOS app made with SwiftUI. It uses the MVVM architecture, and manages its state using Combine.


Download the source code, and run it on a device or simulator using Xcode.


Product List Product Details

Product List

A List of products, where every product is displayed in a row with its name, description, thumbnail image and an icon that represents its rating. The list shows 10 products, and 10 more are loaded using the button Load more at the bottom of the list.

Product Details

A details screen, displaying the products image, name, description, price, and other information.


The app uses the MVVM architecture, and uses Combine for state management.

View Models are ObservableObjects that are watched on the Views using @StateObject. Relevant information is marked as @Published on the View Models, so the View can autoupdate when it's changed.

Dependency Injection

As for dependency injection, network services and important models are injected in the ViewModels, on the init method. This way we can test the logic on the View Models with mocked data, and without having real HTTP requests.

Because the dependency injection is made using protocols, it's pretty simple to create mocks for testing and previews.

Unit Testing

The View Models' logic is tested using the native XCTest.

Other Features

  • Cache using URLCache
  • Error handling and alerts
  • Async image loading
  • URLRequests made with async await
  • Preview mocks