
iOS pod for CloudKit requests

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Version License Platform

didcloud makes CloudKit operations easier and less verbose.

⚠️ This documentation is a work in progress. It may not cover some of didicloud's features.



The classes you will persist as resources on CloudKit must conform with the Storable protocol, as the example shows:

import Foundation
import CloudKit
import didicloud

class Todo: Storable {
    /// CloudKit resource name
    public class override var reference: String { return "Todo" }
    /// Custom atributes
    var name: String
    var description: String?
    /// Storable init
    required init(_ record: CKRecord) {

        self.name = record["name"] as! String
        self.description = record["description"] as? String
    /// Custom init
    init(name: String, description: String?) {
        self.name = name
        self.description = description

CRUD Operations

And a request for the list of objects can be done this way:

        Storage.getAll() {
            (result: Result<[Todo], Error>) in
            switch result {
            case.failure(let error):
                /// Deal with error
            case .success(let todos):
                /// Use the returned items

The creation of a new resource can be done this way:

        let newTodo = Todo(name: name, description: description)
        Storage.create(newTodo) {
            result in  
            switch result {
            case .failure(let error): 
                /// Deal with error

            case .success(let todo):
                /// Continue...

The update of a resource can be done this way:

        todo.name = "New name"
        todo.description = "New description"

        Storage.update(todo) {
            result in
            switch result {
            case .failure(let error): 
                /// Deal with error

            case .success(let todo):
                /// Continue...

The deletion of a resource can be done this way:

        Storage.remove(id) {
            result in
            switch result {
            case.failure(let error):
                /// Deal with error
            case .success(let deletedID):
                /// Continue...

Public and Private Databases

You can specify if the operation occurs in the private or public CloudKit database. It can be done this way:

    Storage.getAll(storageType: .publicStorage) { 
        // ... 

All CRUD methods accept the storageType option and the default value is .privateStorage.

Example Project

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


In order to make CloudKit requests you must have an active apple developer enrolment. Also, you need to register your app identifier with CloudKit capabilities and create your object mirrors at CloudKit Dashboard. You can use this tutorial to register the identifier and create CloudKit resources.


didicloud is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'didicloud'


Rodrigo Giglio


didicloud is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.