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SPICE Automatic Stack Calculator
This tool parses a SPICE description and turns them into a transistor object list, one list for Pull-Down Network (PDN) and one for Pull-Up Network (PUN). A node graph is generated and them the tool finds Eulerian Paths, between PDN and PUN common nodes to the VDD and VSS rails, to calculate the Stack Factor and properly size transistor widths.
Fig. I - Node Graph Generated by a NAND2 SPICE Input
To properly run the tool, execute the following command:
python3 sasc.py [Wpmos/Wnmos Ratio] [Input SPICE]
The default value for "Wp/Wn Ratio" is 2.
Spice Description should contain a section describing i/o and supply pins.
*.pininfo A:I B:I OUT:O VSS:G VDD:P
Where ":I" stands for Inputs, ":O" for outputs, ":G" for Ground, and ":P" for Power.