
  • Landing Page
  • Auto create Pricing Page using stripe Products
  • Handle authentication
  • Auto create Stripe customer and sync with database on user sign up
  • Auto Sync database with stripe data
  • Profile page for users to update their info
  • Allow users to manage subscriptions and billing info via stripe customer portal

Steps to Setup

  1. Go to supabase dashboard > Database > Wehbooks and enable Webhhooks.

  2. Open supabase/migrations/20220828143845_user_data.sql and replace the default supabase url abnd anon key with your project info.

  3. Add the relevant data in .env and supabase/.env

  4. Go to https://app.supabase.com/account/tokens and create a new acces token.

  5. Login to supabase cli by running supabase login and paste the token increated in previous step.

  6. Connect supabnase project by running supabase link --project-ref YOUR_PROJECT_REF and paste the database password.

  7. Run supabase db push to push the migrations.

  8. Go to Supabase > Settings > API and add stripe scheme in Exposed schema and Extra search path

  9. Push the required env variables in supabse dashboard.

supabase secrets set --env-file ./supabase/.env
  1. Deploy the supabase edge functions:
supabase functions deploy create-stripe-customer
supabase functions deploy stripe-sync --no-verify-jwt