NetPyNE User interface

Primary LanguagePython

Docker Automated buil


This repository hosts the User Interface for NetPyNE. NetPyNE is a python package to facilitate the development, parallel simulation and analysis of biological neuronal networks using the NEURON simulator.

Install NetPyNE User Interface

Select one option to install the NetPyNE User Interface.

If you are familiar with NEURON and have already NEURON installed in your machine you can proceed using Pip. If you want a container which comes with everything preinstalled including NEURON you can use the Docker image. Using docker you will still be able to mount a local folder which will be your NetPyNE workspace. If you don't have docker installed in your system and you have had troubles installing it you can opt for the Virtual Machine installation.

Pip Docker Virtual Box

Install NetPyNE User Interface from sources (for developers)

git clone https://github.com/MetaCell/NetPyNE-UI.git
cd utilities
python install.py
cd ..

To update sources:

python update.py

NetPyNE-UI is being developed in collaboration with the Neurosim Lab. See the Wiki for more info!