
Classic 2-player game written in vanilla JS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tic-tac-toe game

A simple game of noughts and crosses played between 2 people.

Click here to play the game.


This game was created to solidify my knowledge in planning, building, and hosting a website from scratch. By the end of the build, the main takeaways were always considering the application state when planning and building (initial, when the user clicks, and how to convey the new state back to the user).


Tic tac toe

Technologies used

  • jQuery v3.6.0
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS


The game includes the basic functionality to run a tic-tac-toe game between 2 human players.

In future, some features that would be nice to have:

  • Ability to switch between starting user token.
  • A score counter.
  • Choosing whether to play vs computer or person.


Many thanks to my girlfriend and my brother, who had to put up with my daily mindlessness while I toiled with JS and CSS.