
Routing in SwiftUI

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

SwiftUI Router

Merely a proof of concept for now.

SwiftUI Swift Xcode MIT

Inspired by React Router, SwiftUI Router allows you to program (relatively) easy navigation in your app, much like a website, without the hassle of NavigationView and NavigationLink. SwiftUI Router borrows the following objects from React Router: Link, Redirect, Route, Router and Switch. Their behaviours should be similar to that of React Router.

Note: This project is very much a prototype/proof-of-concept. There are an unreasonable amount of kinks in the code and some basic features missing.


Router (entry)

Router {

The Router view initiates a routing environment. Wrap your entire app (or at least, the part that needs navigation) in a Router.


Link(to: "/my/path") {
    Text("Go to next page")

Wrapper around a Button view to easily navigate to another path.


Redirect(to: "/notfound", replace: true)

When rendered, will redirect instantly to the given path. Set replace: true to prevent the redirect to be added to the history stack.


Route(path: "/home", exact: false) {

Route(path: "/news/:id/:readingMode?", exact: true) { route in
    NewsItemView(id: route.parameters.id, readingMode: route.parameters.readingMode)

Will only render its children when the environment's path matches that of the Route. exact requires the environment path and route path to match exactly. If false, the route will also render if the environment path is e.g. "/home/and/anything/deeper".


The path may contain one or multiple (optional) parameters. These parameters are parsed to a dictionary, accessible via the optional RouteData object's .parameters property. The RouteData object is passed along into the Route's content.

Parameters are marked with a colon (:) in the path, followed by the parameter name. To make the parameter optional, place a question mark (?) behind the parameter's name.

A parameter's value is always of type String.


Switch {
    Route(path: "/list/details") { _ in 

    Route(path: "/list/:style?") { props in 
        ListView(style: props.parameters.style)

    Route {

The Switch view will only render the first matching Route view. This will allow you to render fallback routes. Note: due to the @ViewBuilder limit, only 10 direct ancestor Routes are possible.


@EnvironmentObject private var history: HistoryData

The HistoryData Environment Object contains methods to navigate and can be accessed inside a Router.

path: String

The current environment path. (Computed value)

go(to: String, replace: Bool = false)

Perform a navigation to a new path. Set replace to true to prevent the navigation from being added to the history stack.

goBack(count: Int = 1), goForward(count: Int = 1)

Go back or forward. count is clamped and will prevent from going out of bounds.

canGoBack: Bool, canGoForward: Bool

Returns whether you can go back or forward.


  • Allow for (optional) parameters in paths.
  • Fix history stack having some odd behaviour when returning to the root.
  • Limit the Switch view only to Route ancestors?