
Copy .env.dist to .env and configure the telegram API key.

Create sqlite database

yarn create-db

Start bot

yarn start-bot



yarn global add pm2


yarn pm2:start
yarn pm2:stop-all
yarn pm2:delete-all

Telegram Commands

Command Description Group Admin Normal user
/newaccount Creates a new bot account
/setaccount [address] Sets the bot address of the current chat
/getaccount Returns the bot address of the current chat
/setrules [by reply/username/id] Set chat rules from the quoted message
/setrules [url] Set chat rules from the specified url
/getrules Get chat rules
/addmod [username] Promotes a user to moderator
/removemod [username] Demotes a user from moderator
/ban [by reply/username/id] Bans a user
/addevidence [questionId] [by reply/username/id] Adds the quoted message as evidence to the arbitrator of questionId
/setlanguage Sets the current chat language