
Deep Gender Converter

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Beyond Voice Identity Conversion: Manipulating Voice Attributes by Adversarial Learning of Structured Disentangled Representations


  • numpy
  • tensorflow 2.2
  • librosa
  • pysndfile
  • matplotlib


The VCTK dataset using mic1 only and discarding speakers p315 and s5 (108 speakers).

Gender Converter

Go to gender_converter directory:

$ cd gender_converter



Install Python dependencies.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Feature Extraction

  • You need to extract
    • log-mel-spectrograms from VCTK audios, using calc_melspec.py.
    • Then you need to compute mean and standard deviation of the mel-spectrograms on the entire training database using compute_mean_std.py,
    • You also need to run compute_mean_std_spkencoder.py using the VC model (see steps below) - for standardization of the output of the speaker encoder.
  • You also need to do a forced alignement at phone level on all the VCTK sentences.

Customize data reader

Write a snippet of code to walk through the dataset for generating list file for train, valid and test set.

Then you will need to modify the data reader to read your training data. The following are scripts you will need to modify:

  • reader.py
  • symbols.py

Pre-train the VC model

$ python train_vc.py -o outdir_vc_model_80ep --hparams=epochs=80,batch_size=32 --db_root_dir pathtovctk

where pathtovctk is the path to your VCTK data AND lists, outdir_vc_model_80ep will contain the output VC model (and logdir for tensorboard).

Compute statistics on speaker encoder output using training database

  • If you trained the VC model by your self:
    $ python compute_mean_std_spkencoder.py --model outdir_vc_model_80ep --db_root_dir pathtovctk --ckpt
  • OR using pre-trained models:
    $ python compute_mean_std_spkencoder.py --model pathtomodels/model_vc_80ep_w/vc_weights.tf --db_root_dir pathtovctk

Pre-train the "pre-trained gender discriminator" model

$ python train_gender_discriminator.py -i outdir_vc_model_80ep --db_root_dir pathtovctk -o outdir_genderdiscriminator

where outdir_genderdiscriminator will contain the output gender dicriminator model.

Train the "gender auto-encoder" model

$ python train_aegender.py -igender outdir_genderdiscriminator -ivc outdir_vc_model_80ep --hparams=epochs=400,batch_size=64,gender_autoencoder_error_type=mae,gender_latent_dim=60,learning_rate=1e-4 --db_root_dir pathtovctk -o outdir_genderae_latentdim60

where outdir_genderae_latentdim60 will contain the output gender model.


Run the inference codes to generate audio samples.

  1. generate file lists for inference:
    $ python make_inference_lists.py --db_root_dir pathtovctk --suffix eval --dir mylist --set valid -n 3 p232 p274 p300 p253
  2. Inference with models:
    • Inference with pre-trained models:
      python inference_cpu_list_gender.py --vcmodel pathtomodels/model_vc_80ep_w/vc_weights.tf --gendermodel pathtomodels/model_genderconversion_latentdim60_ep400_w/gender_weights.tf --mellist mylist/mel_eval.list --phonelist mylist/phone_eval.list --db_root_dir pathtovctk --out genderconversion_latentdim60_with_weights
      where pathtomodels is the path to pre-trained models. The folder vc_genderconversion_latentdim60_with_weights will contain the infered log-mel-spectrograms. They can be inverted using Griffin-Lim or better using WaveGlow.
    • Inference with computed models with the training commands above:
      python inference_cpu_list_gender.py --mellist mylist/mel_eval.list --phonelist mylist/phone_eval.list --task vc --vcmodel outdir_vc_model_80ep --gendermodel outdir_genderae_latentdim60 --db_root_dir pathtovctk --out genderconversion_latentdim60 --ckpt
      vc_genderconversion_latentdim60 will contain the infered log-mel-spectrograms.
  3. The log-mel-spectrograms can be inverted using WaveGlow (see below) OR using with the inference_cpu_list_gender.py above command with --wav option (Griffin-Lim)

Training Time

All training has been run on a single GPU (GForce GFX 1080Ti). The duration of the VC model training is 20 minutes per epoch with 80 epochs (roughly 27 hours) and the training of the gender autoencoder model lasts 1 minute and 30 seconds per epoch with 400 epochs (total of 10 hours).

WaveGlow Mel Inverter

run WaveGlow Mel Inverter on mel files

../waveglow_mel_inverter/resynth_mel.py -i input_mel_files -o output_dir

Get Options

../waveglow_mel_inverter/resynth_mel.py -h


Part of the gender conversion code was adapted from the project: https://github.com/jxzhanggg/nonparaSeq2seqVC_code