
in Astro - as a plugin - get the github api

Primary LanguageAstroMIT LicenseMIT


in Astro - as a plugin - get the github api

  • (MUST HAVE) for a project

  • (NICE TO HAVE) for a user


npm install astro-github-api-plugin


import AstroGithubApiPlugin from 'astro-github-api-plugin';

// if you need a part of the project information
// AstroGithubApiPlugin.project.topics

// if you need a part of the user information
// AstroGithubApiPlugin.user.avatar_url



<AstroGithubApiPlugin login="roebi" name="01-01-vanilla-HTML5-starter-page" />


<h1>Github Meta Data from project '01-01-vanilla-HTML5-starter-page' of user 'roebi'</h1>


     "name": "01-01-vanilla-HTML5-starter-page",
     "owner": {
        "login": "roebi",
     "description": "vanilla HTML 5 starter page - Have you ever heard of this HTML 5 tags ?",
     "topics": [

<h1>Github Meta Data of user 'roebi'</h1>


     "login": "roebi",
     "avatar_url": "...",
     "location": "Switzerland",
     "bio": "..."