
Golang http proxy to transparently sign requests to AWS endpoints

Primary LanguageGo

THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN MOVED TO https://github.com/idealo/aws-signing-proxy


A transparent proxy which forwards and signs http requests to AWS services.

Supported AWS credentials:

For ready-to-use binaries have a look at releases. Additionally, we provide a Docker image which can be used both in a test setup and as a sidecar in kubernetes.

In addition to the proxy you may also use vault-env-cred-provider as an credential provider for AWS tooling.

❗NOTE: the provided pre-built mac os binaries might fail with name resolution issues on your apple machine if you are using a (corporate) VPN. This will not occur on linux/windows/docker. If you are affected: either use the provided docker image or build the binaries on your machine.

Build & Run




  1. Change directory to cmd/aws-signing-proxy
  2. Run go build


  1. Change directory to cmd/vault-env-cred-provider
  2. Run go build



Execute the binary with the required environment variables set:

ASP_VAULT_AUTH_TOKEN=someTokenWhichAllowsYouToAccessVault; \
ASP_VAULT_URL=https://vault.url.invalid; \
ASP_TARGET_URL=https://someAWSServiceSupportingSignedHttpRequests; \
AWS_REGION=eu-central-1; \
ASP_VAULT_CREDENTIALS_PATH=/an-aws-engine-in-vault/creds/a-role-defined-aws; \


This program can be used as a credential provider for AWS tooling. Setting it up is a two-step process:

  1. Export the required env variables:
export ASP_VAULT_AUTH_TOKEN=someTokenWhichAllowsYouToAccessVault
export ASP_VAULT_URL=https://vault.url.invalid
export ASP_VAULT_CREDENTIALS_PATH=/an-aws-engine-in-vault/creds/a-role-defined-aws
  1. Create an aws config file with the following contents:
credential_process = /path/to/vault-env-cred-provider
  1. Use AWS cli or sdk using this profile name e.g. some-aws-profile-name.

Note that:

  • You may name the AWS profile default so that you don't need to specify which profile to use when using the AWS SDK/CLI.
  • There is no need to specify AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID etc.


You can find the built image at: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/roechi/aws-signing-proxy Make sure to provide all required ENV variables (ASP_VAULT_AUTH_TOKEN, ASP_VAULT_URL, ASP_TARGET_URL, ASP_SERVICE, AWS_REGION, ASP_VAULT_CREDENTIALS_PATH).


This project is based on https://github.com/cllunsford/aws-signing-proxy which is licensed as follows:

MIT 2018 (c) Chris Lunsford