A web app for visualizing data from WordWeaver
This is an Angular web application for visualizing data from WordWeaver.
This is a tool for creating interactive conjugation tools for your language.
- It is fully i18n compliant and customizable using ngx-translate and POEditor. The interface is already in English and French.
- Functions offline (including your conjugation data!) thanks to PouchDB
- Built for mobile (PWA support)
- Totally themable
If using with a new language, it is recommended to clone the repo.
$ git clone https://github.com/roedoejet/wordweaver.git
$ cd wordweaver
$ npm install
Then, you can create a new repo on GitHub and reset the origin remote to your new repo:
git remote set-url origin https://github.com/<yourusername>/<yourrepo>
Then, add a new repo and set the url to this:
git remote add ww https://github.com/roedoejet/wordweaver.git
That way, you can make changes in your repo, push them to your origin, but still pull new changes to the gui using git pull ww main
After installing, just start the app to run locally:
$ npm start
- Clone and add remote 'ww'
- npm install
- Replace the svg in the shared logo component
- Edit config
- Add any languages to assets/i18n
Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.
This repo follows the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.
To execute the unit test suites, run:
npm run-script test # regular mode
npm run-script ci:test # alternative, headless mode
To execute the end-to-end test suite, you must first install Playwright by running:
npx playwright install --with-deps
and then you can execute the suite with:
npm run-script e2e
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
MIT © Aidan Pine