
Code to compute FuA.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

What's in a pattern? Examining the type of signal multivariate analysis uncovers at the group level


This code will allow you to rerun the analysis described in the [paper] (https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.03482)

The basic structure is as follows:

  • Download data from open fMRI
  • Run preprocessing steps on the data
  • Run searchlight analysis
  • Run FuA analysis

Below you will also see directions that will allows you run standalone versions of:

  • Tsd2008
  • Tsd2013
  • The FuA calculation

Getting the data set

Downloading the data and directory structure:

  • This code relies on the following data set from Open-fMRI.
  • Code should auto-download and create structure below (in case you want to adapt code for your own use case): Image of Dir Structure
  • Runing 'MAIN.m' should perform all the analysis that appear in the paper and generate the main Figures.
  • Visualizations for paper were made using Brain Voyager, but code can also save results in .nii format
  • Raw activation maps from the paper can be found on Neurovault .

Working Example

A a simple example is genearted on the fly so that you can see how the core functions (Multi-T and FuA) operate and understand the difference between directional and non-directional analysis.

Multi-T and FuA in additional languages:

The core functions we developed were also poreted to work with: