This script merges the text position in a <tspan>
tag with the position in its parent <text>
The input may look like this:
<text class="SVGTextShape" id="text1811" x="0.43503895" y="-0.17538777">
<tspan class="TextParagraph" id="tspan1811" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="173px" font-weight="400">
<tspan class="TextPosition" id="tspan1810" x="131.27504" y="70.65461">
<tspan fill="#000000" stroke="none" id="tspan1809">
The text to show
When editing the text in Inkscape, the <tspan>
tag with class TextPosition is removed and the coordinate of the text is as such modified to (0.43503895, -0.17538777). To avoid this we need to add the coordinate of the <tspan>
tag to the coordinate in the <text>
tag and remove the <tspan>
tag, resulting in:
<text class="SVGTextShape" id="text1811" x="131.71007895" y="70.47922223">
<tspan class="TextParagraph" id="tspan1811" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="173px" font-weight="400">
<tspan fill="#000000" stroke="none" id="tspan1809">
The text to show
You need a working copy of libxslt on your machine, it will probably work with every other XSLT processor as well.
Clone this repository and run:
xsltproc -o output.svg fix_textposition.xslt input.svg
The issue came up a few times on stackoverflow: