
Recursively delete all empty folders in a directory and child directories.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Recursively delete all empty folders in a directory and child directories.


Install with npm:

$ npm install delete-empty --save


var deleteEmpty = require('delete-empty');


Given the following directory structure, the highlighted directories would be deleted.

└─┬ a/
- ├── aa/
  ├─┬ bb/
  │ └─┬ bbb/
  │   ├── one.txt
  │   └── two.txt
- ├─┬ cc/
- │ └── ccc/
- ├ b/
- └ c/


deleteEmpty('foo/', function(err, deleted) {
  //=> ['foo/aa/', 'foo/a/cc/', 'foo/b/', 'foo/c/']



As with the async method, an array of deleted directories is returned, in case you want to log them out or provide some kind of feedback to the user.

var deleted = deleteEmpty.sync('foo/');
//=> ['foo/aa/', 'foo/a/cc/', 'foo/b/', 'foo/c/']

Related projects

You might also be interested in these projects:

  • copy: Copy files or directories using globs. | homepage
  • delete: Delete files and folders and any intermediate directories if they exist (sync and async). | homepage
  • fs-utils: fs extras and utilities to extend the node.js file system module. Used in Assemble and… more | homepage
  • matched: Adds array support to node-glob, sync and async. Also supports tilde expansion (user home) and… more | homepage


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.

Building docs

Generate readme and API documentation with verb:

$ npm install verb && npm run docs

Or, if verb is installed globally:

$ verb

Running tests

Install dev dependencies:

$ npm install -d && npm test


Jon Schlinkert


Copyright © 2016, Jon Schlinkert. Released under the MIT license.

This file was generated by verb, v0.9.0, on March 24, 2016.