
A Wordpress plugin to add location info to posts and aggregate them on a Google Map

Primary LanguagePHP


A Wordpress plugin to add location info to posts and aggregate them on a Google Map. It's now tailored to Berlin, but you should be able to add your own areas and cities pretty easy. This plugin has been developed for slowtravelberlin.com, check it out at http://slowtravelberlin.com/map/.

What does it do

  • Adds a meta box to post pages to add address information to a post Adds a meta box to your edit pages
  • Resolves the address to latitude / longitude and saves that to it's own table in the database Table structure
  • Adds a Google map picture (no js map!) with the address info to every post that has geodata Post picture map
  • Displays all the posts with geodata on a page called /map The map

What does it not do

  • Generate the wordpress page by itself
  • Supports multiple cities / areas
  • Handle categories nicely
  • Handles the CSS