
Nagios syntax highlighting for Sublime Text


Nagios package for Sublime Text

A small package that provides syntax highlighting, block commenting, and snippet support for defining hosts/services etc. It's a fork of the original nagios-sublime by bn0.

Caveat: This is still under development, the JSON definitions (not used by ST3) might be out of sync with the plist definitions from time to time.

Pull requests are welcome.


In the Sublime preferences menu select 'Browse Packages,' that'll show the directory where your packages are installed.

open a terminal, cd to the packages directory and then clone this project:

git clone https://github.com/roeme/nagios-sublime-v2.git
Using Package Control:
Open the Command Pallete - press *'ctrl+shift+p'* (Windows, Linux) or *'cmd+shift+p'* (OS X). All Package Control commands begin with *'Package Control:'*, so view the list of commands by typing *'package'*.

######Add Repository
Package Control: Add Repository


######Install Package
Package Control: Install Package
type 'nagios' to shorten the list and select 'nagios-sublime-v2'.

REMOVE ------
Delete directory from your packages directory.
Using Package Control:
Package Control: Remove Package select *'nagios-sublime-v2'*