Lightweight English-Hebrew Dictionary
- Fast, light and made for macOS.
- Type a word in English and get a Hebrew translation, and vice versa.
- For many words, includes inflections, synonyms and examples.
- Inclues a service to define currently selected word, even if Milonchik isn't currently running.
While the search field is focused:
- Press ↑ to select the previous entry in the definitions list.
- Press ↓ to select the next entry in the definitions list.
- Press ⌥+↑ to select the first entry in the definitions list.
- Press ⌥+↓ to select the last entry in the definitions list.
- Morfix as a definitions source.
- Session history.
- Agent mode (hide in Dock).
- Basic drag (e.g. text clippings -> app) and drop (e.g. definition -> text file) support.
- State restoration.
- Dock icon operations.