Oceanic Next JetBrains Theme

Companion for Oceanic Next Color Scheme.

Because IntelliJ IDEA does not allow custom themes, we need to patch existing theme, i.e. Darcula.

  1. When installing Webstorm, etc. answer no when asking for admin rights or install in the place when you have write privileges.
  2. Find idea.jar or webstorm.jar etc.
  3. Add JAVA_PATH/bin to your PATH.
  4. Extract file and check changes: jar xf /c/installed/WebStorm*/lib/webstorm.jar com/intellij/ide/ui/laf/darcula/darcula.properties
  5. Close Idea or you will get error in next step: java.io.IOException: Error in writing existing jar file
  6. Upload file jar uf /c/installed/WebStorm*/lib/webstorm.jar com/intellij/ide/ui/laf/darcula/darcula.properties

You can also use this for limited functionality:



  • make backup of a jar file