Skia Go provides a binding to the 2D graphics library Skia.
Skia Go's main purpose is to support PDF Go; a feature rich PDF generation library backed by the Skia PDF backend. As such, only a small subset of bindings are required for the PDF Go project. Feature bindings will be added on a needs basis; either by the PDF Go project or by the community wishing to make use of these binding.
- "go get-able" module; no need to build skia yourself
- Idiomatic Go API, for example: output to an
- Latest Skia release (chrome/m124)
This project is currently WIP, and currently has no releases; this will change in the near future.
var buf bytes.Buffer
doc := skia.NewDocument(buf)
canvas := doc.BeginPage(400, 600, nil)
// Draw using the canvas
os.WriteFile("output.pdf", buf.Bytes(), 0o666)