
a simple getenv wrapper to allow for default environment. inspired by python's os.getenv("ENV", default)

Primary LanguageGo


A simple getenv utility to support default values to be set. This is a port from python's os.getenv("ENV_KEY", "default). This utility function will do a few things:

  1. Return the passed default value (with a logging message).
  2. Return the environment variable set over the default value
  3. Panic if the Environment variable does not exist and no default value set.


Installation is done using the go get command:

  go get -u github.com/roger-king/go-getenv


Using the utility function is simple. We call the function and pass in as the first arg the Environment Variable Key and the getenv.String("some-string").

  import "github.com/roger-king/go-getenv"

  port := getenv.EnvOrDefault("PORT", getenv.String(":5000"))

Why getenv.String("some-string")

I decided to create a String() function because I want to support the ability to pass nil as the second or default argument.