
A sample application invokes a flashswap in PancakeSwap and a monitoring tool in Node.js.

Primary LanguageSolidity

Pancake & BakerySwap arbitrage

A sample application invokes a flashloan with Flash Swaps and a monitoring tool in Node.js. To know details about Flash Swaps: visit https://uniswap.org/docs/v2/core-concepts/flash-swaps/

software version

Ensure your node and truffle version is higher than these:

$ node -v
$ truffle version
Truffle v5.2.2 (core: 5.2.2)
Solidity v0.5.16 (solc-js)
Node v13.7.0
Web3.js v1.2.9

environment variables

WALLET_ADDRESS=0x<your wallet address>
PRIVATE_KEY=<private key>

setup steps

  1. Rename .env.template to .env and fill out required information
  2. Configure truffle-config.js with appropriate parameters (if you deploy a contract)
  3. Install node.js packages and compile a smart contract code
npm install
truffle compile
  1. Migrate the contract to the network (confirm if you do this in BSC mainnet)
truffle migrate --network mainnet


This library is licensed under the MIT License.