- alex-sitnikovEarth, The Solar System, Orion Arm, The Milky Way, Local Group, Virgo Cluster, Virgo Super-Cluster, Universe
- alexmg
- bartulHököpinge, Sweden
- Degot
- duncanawerbuck
- freeman
- girishGoogle
- grosskur@google
- he0x
- HenrikHagberg
- JackneillEvotrex
- jbakicDüsseldorf, Germany
- jmerriweatherMelbourne, Australia
- jrc313
- luisrudge@dailygrabsinc
- miyuMountain View, CA
- moonpykRepply
- numo16@plexsystems
- pvaillantCanada
- riccardod
- rogeralsingAsynkron AB
- rowlandwatkinsUK
- rytisLondon, UK
- seemantrLondon
- sentyaevMadrid
- serbrech@Microsoft
- sonicflareLatvia
- thucncAhaMove
- tixelBelgium
- TonyAbellSanta Monica
- VictorBlomberg@Decerno
- wald-tqTQ-Systems GmbH
- wi11du0nChina
- xeb@google
- zaplinechina zhuhai hehe