Linq to SqlXml
A document database emulator on top of Microsoft SQL Server XML columns.
Version Alpha 0.1
Linq to SqlXml allows you to persist and read POCO entities to and from the Sql Server using XML type column.
Entities can be queried and projected using Linq.
This Linq query:
var query = (
from order in ctx.GetCollection<Order>().AsQueryable()
where order.OrderTotal > 0
where order.ShippingDate != null
where order.ShippingAddress.Line1 != "foo" && order.ShippingAddress.Line1 != "bar"
where order.Status == OrderStatus.Confirmed
select order
Will be transformed into:
select top 100 Id,DocumentData
from Documents
where CollectionName = 'Order' and
Status[. = xs:int(1)] and
ShippingAddress/Line1[. != "foo" and . != "bar"] and
ShippingDate/@type[.!="null"] and
OrderTotal[. > xs:decimal(0)]
]')) = 1