Dynamic Page Mapping with Visualforce and React

Allow administrators to control the layout of Visualforce pages based on Field Sets and a Custom Metadata Type that has a collection of field sets relevant to their Visualforce page.

The goals of this project:

  • Allow non-devs to control the view layer of a Visualforce page
  • Allow developers to receive app state from configurable settings
  • Allow end users to benefit from translated labels in their org by using the Field Set Reactor utility class

This originated as a question as to the complexity of creating a single page app that could dynamically change its appearance based on an administrator changing fields in a field set, and the sections that should display based on record type.

Test Driving

  • Fork the repository and clone to your local machine
  • cd to your project folder and run npm install
  • After dependencies have loaded, webpack --watch to rebuild your resource-bundles/AccountManagement.resource/js/app.js file when components in dev/ are changed
  • Use Convert to MavensMate Project feature to deploy this into your org
  • Deploy your AccountManagement.resource bundle to the server and refresh your AccountManagement page

Inspiration for Expanding this Pattern

If you wanted to further classify the custom metadata type, you could add a "record type" that allows for binding a record type developer name to the fields that should appear in the AccountHeader.js component. This could also be extended to only display specific columns in the OppTable.js component for that specified account record type.

An added benefit to expanding the use of the Field Set Reactor utility is the accessibility that is supported for the user. If customizations exist for that user, or if their language is set to something aside to that of the developer's language, the labels on the page appear as expected.

Blog Post & Demo GIF


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