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2021-2023   香港中文大学(深圳) 数据科学学院 数据科学 理学硕士

  • 2021-2022数据科学硕士全球排名全球第18名,亚太第2名
  • 课程: Python编程, 统计学理论, 数据库原理与开发, 金融科技理论与实践, 最优化导论, 大数据建模与管理, 算法分析, 时间序列分析, 机器学习, 数据挖掘, 深度学习及其应用, 网络分析,云计算,人工智能,数据可视化,自然语言处理,金融市场的文本分析

2017-2021   厦门大学 经济学院 统计学 理学学士

  • 本科生国际化试验班项目,基于先进的统计学理论和数据分析技巧和编程技能,所有专业课程采用英文教学。
  • 统计: 概率导论, 数理统计, 随机过程, 抽样技术, 计算方法, 运筹学, 多元统计分析, 时间序列分析, 贝叶斯统计, 数学建模, 数据挖掘, 非参数统计, 属性数据分析
  • 编程:C语言程序设计, Python程序设计, 数据结构和算法分析, 数据库系统, Python编程应用, Python数据获取、处理和可视化, MATLAB数据处理与分析, MySQL数据库设计, 编程基础 (移动APP开发), Linux基础教程
  • 经济: 微观经济学, 宏观经济学, 博弈论基础, 市场营销学, 计量经济学, 商务沟通与文化交流

2014-2017   华中师范大学第一附属中学


2023.06-2023.09   阿里巴巴, 数据科学家 (实习)

2022.11-2023.01   货拉拉, 数据挖掘工程师 (实习)

2022.06-2022.10   顺丰科技, 大数据挖掘与分析工程师 (实习)

2022.01-2022.05   香港中文大学(深圳), 教学助理 (兼职)


Data-Related Jobs Analysis of Online Recruitment

  • Collected more than 2000 data-related jobs on recruitment websites by the crawler and stored it in MySQL database.
  • Conducted exploring data analysis and visualization (heat map, boxplot, bar chart, rectangle tree map, word cloud chart, etc.) from multiple perspectives, such as location, salary, industry, skill requirements and welfare.
  • Studied the factors affecting salary and established multiple linear regression model and log linear regression model.
  • Improved the salary prediction model by using random forest model.

User Purchasing Analysis of Luckin Coffee

  • A comprehensive data science project for the Final of WISERCLUB 2019-2020, which is mainly about business analytics and data mining of a new retail specialty coffee operator.
  • Conducted exploring data analysis for more than 2.35 million orders and 0.46 million users with Python and SQL.
  • Finished some business intern tasks, including summarize commodity sales, calculate the retention rate of users, find active users.
  • Predicted users' future purchase behavior with classification algorithms like AdaBoost and XGBoost.

Wechat Work Python SDK

  • A project using Python to encapsulate the server API of external contact module of WeChat Work and make it into SDK. Meanwhile, API documents are improved and relevant functions are tested.

XMU Helper

  • A project to help students of XMU in many aspects, especially in study. It contains plenty of files, learning materials and useful links. Nearly all the materials are in Chinese.



2020.05-2020.09   厦门大学暑期社会实践(新高考改革后选课状况与对策的调查研究——基于河北、山东、浙江、福建四省数据)

  • 厦门大学经济学院教学相长实践队成员,实践队荣获校级优秀团队、优秀调研报告,院级优秀团队

2019.06-2019.08   厦门大学暑期社会实践(福建省新高考改革现状调查——以厦门市为例)

  • 教踏实地实践队队长,实践队荣获校级重点团队和优秀团队,个人荣获校级实践积极分子
  • A case study of Xiamen, Fujian Province, investigation on the current situation of the new reform of college entrance examination in Fujian Province, researching the problem of subject selection of high school students in Fujian Province under the new reform “3+1+2”, analyzing the plan of high school and possible solutions to deal with the new reform.

2018.07-2018.08   厦门大学暑期社会实践(探究河长制运行中利益相关方的协调问题——以浙江长兴县为例)

  • 厦门大学河衷共济实践队成员, 经济学院十佳调研报告
  • A case study of Changxing County, Zhejia Province, researching the coordination of stakeholders in the operation of the River Chief System, analyzing the current situation and carrying out public satisfaction survey.

2018.02   厦门大学寒假学生返高中母校招生宣传活动

  • 赴湖北省华中师大一附中招生宣传实践队成员, 负责返校宣讲的摆摊咨询和答疑、班级内宣传手册的发放,团队荣获优秀团队(6/391)。


2018.10   第四届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛优秀志愿者

  • Receiving the competition judges at airport, leading them to the hotel, competition venue and dining hall.

2017.10, 2019.10   校园服务站

  • Hospitality service, campus service station with 19 hours, helping the visitors and students with answering their questions.


  • 厦门大学校级优秀学生干部 (2018, 2021)
  • 第四届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛优秀志愿者 (2018)
  • 厦门大学暑期社会实践活动积极分子 (2019)
  • 全国大学生数学竞赛(非数学类)福建赛区二等奖 (2018, 2019)
  • 全国大学生数学建模竞赛福建赛区一等奖 (2019)、二等奖 (2020)
  • 厦门大学学生田径运动会男子4×400米接力金牌 (2020)


