
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

JKMR Data: Roger Zou, Melody Guan, Kevin Yang, Jerry Anunrojwong

Predicting Startup Funding Rounds via Tweets

For the average public relations officer, manipulating the media is a standby. Social media is no exception, with sites like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook now regular tools in a publicist's arsenal. Raising brand awareness and positive sentiment may be especially important before important events like a startup's Series B. We propose to test the converse: Before financing rounds, might there be an abnormal amount of PR activity? Can we predict details on events like financing rounds based on mentions of a company on social media platforms like Twitter? Or is social media a noisy, meaningless indicator?

This project aims to use data analysis and predictive analytics to find correlations between tweets and startup funding rounds in order to shed light on potential importance of tweets and social media in general as indicators of startup success. Through a variety of models, we show that there is unfortunately minimal relationship between tweets and startup funding.

Overview of Procedure

  1. Data Collection and Cleaning
  • Scraping Twitter and AngelList
  • Translating foreign language tweets
  1. Feature Extraction
  • Feature Extraction
  • NLP
  • Twitter Sentiment Analysis
  1. Data Exploration and Feature Selection
  • Correlation Analysis
  • PCA
  1. Predictive Modeling
  • Linear Regression
  • SVM
  1. Presentation
  • Website

Data Collection


We've downloaded our list of startups and their funding round info from AngelList, a US website with extensive startup financial data, and Crunchbase, a database of the startup ecosystem. AngelList did not have an API, so we used the urllib2 Requests library to download each search page, then used BeautifulSoup to parse the page. Crunchbase also has no API, so we used the urllib2 Requests library in conjunction with Selenium Webdriver and BeautifulSoup. The data is located in the startups-data folder. The python notebook for scraping AngelList is here and the python notebook for scraping Crunchbase is here.


We downloaded our tweets by directly scraping Twitter for mentions of startups on our list. While Twitter does have an API, its Search API is limited to an index of 6-9 days of tweets and its Timeline API is limited to up to 3200 tweets per timeline, not to mention rate limits on scraping both. We did initially write a very messy Python notebook that used the API, but decided instead to scrape via the Twitter search page with Selenium Webdriver browser scripts and BeautifulSoup. The tweets are located in the tweets-data folder. The python notebook for scraping Twitter is here. The python notebook for extracting tweets from BeautifulSoup files to get relevant info is here.

Translating Tweets

The majority of our tweets were non-English, necessiting us to translate them in order to get an accurate model that works globally, not just for US startups. After filtering English tweets with the guess_language python library, we used the Microsoft Translator API to translate all our tweets. The python notebook for running this translation is located here.

Feature Extraction

Features from Tweet Metadata

We get some metadata from scraping: the number of likes, the number of retweets, the date tweeted for each tweet. We group these by (company, funding_round) combination and compute the mean and standard deviation for each pair. We create features from these dates by computing the range of dates spanned among our ~200 tweets scraped, and the interquartile range. The intuition is that even though we can't scrape all the tweets made, if the range of dates are wide, given the fixed amount of tweets, then the tweets are made relatively infrequently. This might have some predictive power.

Features from Tweet Texts

Apart from metadata, we can extract a number of features from the text in the tweet itself. We compute text length, the number of hashtags, the number of persontags (tags of other Twitter accounts, beginning with @), the number of links, the proportion of tweets made by the company itself versus other people, the number of times tweets are directed toward the company.

Features from Funding Series and Market Sectors

We create an indicator variable for each of the 4 funding rounds (A,B,C,D). When we look at the market sector data (that we get from scraping) we see that some sectors have a lot of companies in it (such as Biotech, has around 300) while most categories have very few (mostly less than 10). These categories that have few companies are not very useful because they are too dispersed and specific, but we think the top sectors that have a lot of companies are more useful, so we create indicator variables for top 10 sectors.

Natural Language Processing

We parsed the text in each tweet using the pattern python library to extract nouns and adjectives. We removed punctuation and stopwords (from sklearn). We decided not to assign topics using LDA due to the heterogeneity of our tweets. We parsed the text into sentences and then tokenized the sentences into words. We then lemmatized the words, which means that we convert words into their basic form, for example: "walk", "walking", "walks", "walked" => "walk". Because each tweet is short (maximum 140 characters) we did not distinguish between sentences within tweets. Code for NLP can be found here.

Twitter Sentiment Analysis

We used the sentiment dictionary SentiWordNet 3.0, which assigns to words (both nouns and adjectives) three sentiment scores: positivity, negativity, objectivity. For each tweet, we took the average positivity score over all tokens and the average negativity score over all tokens. We also defined a word as "positive" or "negative" if it had positivity score>0.5 or negativity score>0.5 respectively. For each tweet, we then summed up the total "positive" words and total "negative" words (usually 0,1, and rarely 2). To summarize, we have four features from sentiment analysis: average positivity, average negativity, positive count, negative count. For each company, funding round pair, we then take the average of these features for all their tweets. The python notebook for twitter sentiment analysis is here.

Data Exploration and Feature Selection

Correlation Analysis

We plotted the unscaled 'Amount Raised' against all unscaled numerical features, and found no linear correlations. We then plotted the unscaled 'Amount Raised' against all numerical features normalized using boxcox transformation, and again found no linear correlations. We did not find linear correlations for scaled 'Amount Raised' against unscaled features either. We did find some homoskedastic correlations for scaled 'Amount Raised' against scaled features', but unfortunately these slopes were flat. From our correlation analysis, we infer that using SVR may be a better method for predictive modeling than linear regression. Code for correlation analysis is here.


Principal Component Analysis (PCA) tries to isolate a handful of linear combinations of features that "explain" most variances in the data. This is a descriptive, not predictive, technique, and it operates on the whole dataset without the training/testing division. Moreover, PCA is more informative if all features are suitably normalized, so no single feature can dominate the total variance. We then use Box Cox transformation on each column (the library chooses an appropriate parameter, different for each column, to make the resulting transformation approximately Normal.) The exception is the funding raised, which we use the log transformation (which is also a special case of Box Cox). This is justified because our plot shows that log(funding) looks Normal, and when we predict log(funding), reversing the function to get funding is more expedient. Our PCA shows that only a few (aggregated) features explain most of the variance. 3 top features explain 95% of the variance, while 5 top features explain 98% of the variance. The python notebook for PCA is here.

Predictive Modeling

Linear Regression


We suspect that the problem is not linear, so we turn to Support Vector Regression (SVR). We split the data into the training data and the testing data, standardize the numerical features of each of the two datasets separately. We try three choices of kernels - rbf, linear and polynomial. For each choice of kernal, we use GridSearchCV with 5-fold cross validation to find the optimal parameters of the predictor over a reasonable (pre-determined) range of parameters. We then fit the predictor to the training data, predict it on the test data, and evaluate it by computing RMSE on log(funding). We found that rbf predictor with C=100 and gamma=0.01 is the best, with RMSE around 1. This result is comparable to linear regression. The python notebook for PCA is here (same notebook as PCA).

