
A simple API for programmatically handling maven artifacts and metadata

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Maven Archeologist

Making handling maven Artifacts easy

A library to make resolving maven artifacts (from various repositories) easy. The library itself wraps the Maven resolver APIs and provides simple HTTP-based resolution. From this any number of tools can be constructed, which require obtaining (and locally caching) maven artifacts, resolving the "effective project model", validating hashes, etc.

Latest Release: Maven Central build



The main entry point to the library, which wraps (and mostly hides) the Maven resolution infrastructure, is ArtifactResolver. It has two ways to use it - the simple one which just downloads the relevant artifact and its POM file, and returns the file locations, or a slightly more nuanced API, which lets you get resolved Maven metadata (but doesn't download the artifact).

Add to a build

Maven-Archeologist is published as com.squareup.tools.build:maven-archeologist: in the Maven Central repository. Use your build system's standard import mechanism to bring in that artifact. e.g.:


dependencies {
  implementation 'com.squareup.tools.build:maven-archeologist:'



Simplest Usage

In this variant, the API just downloads the POM and artifact files and their hash files, validates the files, and returns POM and artifact files to you in a pair.

val resolver = ArtifactResolver() // creates a resolver with repo list defaulting to Maven Central.
val (pom, artifact) = resolver.download("com.google.guava:guava:27.1-jre")

Resolving Metadata

This is the more robust way to use the API, and it gets you a ResolvedArtifact, which contains the fully resolved model object (resolved dependencies (including from dependencyManagement and properties substitutions)). The resolved artifact can then be used to fetch the main artifact.

val resolver = ArtifactResolver() // creates a resolver with repo list defaulting to Maven Central.
val artifact = resolver.artifactFor("com.google.guava:guava:27.1-jre") // returns Artifact
val resolvedArtifact = resolver.resolveArtifact(artifact) // returns ResolvedArtifact
val result = resolver.download(resolvedArtifact) // returns FetchStatus

// if you care about whether it was a cache-hit or not, do this. Otherwise test for "is SUCCESSFUL"
when (result) {
  is SUCCESSFUL.FOUND_IN_CACHE -> { /* win! */ }
  is SUCCESSFUL.SUCESSFULLY_FETCHED -> { /* win, but remotely! */ }
  else -> { /* Handle error */ }

Adding Repositories

The resolver defaults to resolving against Maven Central. Specifying repositories is as simple as:

val repo1 = Repository().apply {
  id = "some-identifier"
  releases = RepositoryPolicy().apply { enabled = "true" }
  url = "https://some.server/path/to/repo" // At present, only http/https are supported.
val repo2 = ...
val resolver = ArtifactResolver(repositories = listOf(rep1, rep2))

Note: This is one of the rare times you'll directly interact with Maven's internal APIs, except for interacting with the Model object if you resolve the effective-model.

Reasonably popular repositories have been pre-defined in the Repositories type, e.g. Repositories.MAVEN_CENTRAL

Local Artifact Cache

By default, artifacts are cached in ${HOME}/.m2/repository, exactly as Maven 3 or Gradle would do, but this can be changed (per resolver instance) like so:

val resolver = ArtifactResolver(cacheDir = fs.getPath("/some/cache/dir"))

Comparing Artifact Versions

maven-archeologist has a convenience for representing maven versions in a way that they can be compared according to semantic versioning, or at least the maven 3 variant, rather than merely lexically. MavenVersion extends Comparable<MavenVersion> and can be used in comparison checks, ordered collections, etc. Their toString() simply prints the raw string representation.

val versions = listOf(

// should print [2.0-beta-SNAPSHOT, 2.0-beta, 2.0, 2.3.5-SAPSHOT, 2.3.5,, 2a.0]

Note: 2a.0 comes after 2.0 because 2a is non-numeric and so is lexically compared.

Demo CLI

The project also contains a demo CLI app which will resolve and download the maven artifacts listed on the repository, cache them in a defined directory. It is iterative and single-threaded, so not suitable for high-volume resolution, but it can help for small tasks and show how to wield the APIs.

bazel run //:resolver -- --local_maven_cache /path/to/cache some:artifact:1 another:artifact:2

Possible uses

  • Build a dependency graph scanning/analysis tool
  • Use in non-Maven build tools for easier use of Maven resolution
  • Pre-fetching artifacts to permit later off-line function.
  • ...

Core Capabilities

  • Basic wrapping of Maven APIs into much simpler conveniences
  • Basic artifact resolution to a maven model object
  • Downloading of POM and artifact files
    • file caching in (and resolution from) a maven-style local repository (cache)
  • md5/sha1 validation for files published with the accompanying hash files (maven-style)
  • Resolving from multiple/different/custom repositories
    • by default, for security, pinning the list of repositories to the given set, ignoring attempts from maven metadata to add more repositories, though this can be overridden
  • Metadata about the resolution/fetch operations, including whether the file(s) were satisfied from the cache or a remote fetch occurred.
  • Basic example CLI to resolve artifacts and find dependencies.

Known Limitations

  • Does not download sub-artifacts (-sources.jar) or classifiers (yet)
  • Does not do any traversal (this can be done in calling code) of dependencies or other transitive operations
  • No multithreaded operations (though calling code can build a parallel graph walk around it)
    • file writes DO use a "write to temp file, atomically move" strategy, so generally the library should be tolerant of race-condition in resolution/download.
  • Has a crappy heuristic (with a hack for bundle) for converting packaging->suffix
    • Doesn't resolve plugin metadata that might configure things like that.
  • The CLI is super limited as a demo-app.
  • Basic functionality is tested, but coverage is weak.
  • Might need some more ability to configure them (without bailing out of the wrapper infrastructure entirely)

Planned features

Note: These are all doable in calling code, but some of these should be useful in the core library.

  • transitive/bulk operations on artifacts
    • pre-download all files needed to do off-line resolution later
    • gather the full maven universe implied by the offered initial artifacts
    • identify diamond dependency skew and other dependency conflicts
  • Download -sources artifacts and possibly other sub-artifacts.
  • more useful CLI functionality


Copyright (c) 2020, Square, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

About the project

Why Archeologist?

Because the library handles artifacts, and references to certain movies starring Harrison Ford might garner trademark concerns.

Why not Archaeologist?

Because 'murica! More seriously, both spellings are accepted english, and while the primary author is Canadian, he lives in the US.