
The request-tracker-spring-boot-starter is a Spring Boot Starter dependency that transparently creates a Servlet Filter in a Spring Boot Application that collect some information from request and response Servlet objects and performs a custom action asynchronously (in a new thread).

The custom action is defined by application that uses request-tracker-spring-boot-starter through the creation of a bean that implements de interface

The following data is tracked and sent to custom action as a json string:

  • url: url requested composed by protocol, server name, port number and server path
  • queryString: query string that is contained in the request URL after the path
  • method: HTTP method with which this request was made
  • status: status code of HTTP response
  • remoteHost: fully qualified name of the client or the last proxy that sent the request
  • remotePort: Internet Protocol (IP) source port of the client or last proxy that sent the request
  • protocol: ame and version of the protocol the request uses in the form protocol/majorVersion
  • timestamp: timestamp of instant that RequestTrackerFilter is executed

How to use

To use this lib in your Spring Boot Application, follow the steps below:

  1. Add the request-tracker-spring-boot-starter dependency in your project

If you are using Maven, add this fragment in your pom.xml file:


For others build automation tools, see the proper way to add the dependency in MVN Repository site.

  1. Implement the interface RequestTrackerActionAdapter
public class MyRequestTrackerAction implements RequestTrackerActionAdapter {

    public Thread doAction(String requestTrackerElementsJson) {

        return new Thread(() -> {
            // do something...
  1. Create a bean with the class that implements RequestTrackerActionAdapter
public class RequestTrackerConfiguration {
    public MyRequestTrackerAction myRequestTrackerAction() {
        return new MyRequestTrackerAction();

Some Use Cases

Call an url using RestTemplate

public class RestTemplateRequestTrackerAction implements RequestTrackerActionAdapter {

    private RestTemplate restTemplate;
    private String url;

    public Thread send(String requestTrackerElementsJson) {

        return new Thread(() -> restTemplate.postForEntity(url, requestTrackerElementsJson, Void.class));

Send to a SQS topic

public class SqsRequestTrackerAction implements RequestTrackerActionAdapter  {

    private AmazonSQS amazonSQS;

    private String queueUrl;

    public Thread send(String requestTrackerElementsJson) {

        return new Thread(() -> amazonSQS.sendMessage(queueUrl,  requestTrackerElementsJson));

Put record to a Kinesis Firehose Stream

public class FirehoseRequestTrackerAction implements RequestTrackerActionAdapter  {

    private AmazonKinesisFirehoseClient firehoseClient;

    private String deliveryStreamName;

    public Thread send(String requestTrackerElementsJson) {

        return new Thread(() -> {
            PutRecordRequest putRecordRequest = new PutRecordRequest();

            String data = requestTrackerElementsJson + "\n";

            Record record = new Record().withData(ByteBuffer.wrap(data.getBytes()));