Technical Test - SP



You must pass a CSV file in the field 'files' to save users

The CSV follow the headers: name, city, country, favorite_sport

The expect return is 201. with the message Users Created


Return a list of users. Accept the params below:

  • q
    • To filter users based on the string
  • page
    • To set the page of users
  • limit
    • Defines how many users must return

The expect return is 200. with the corpse that follows bellow:

  • Elements
    • An array that contains the users listed
  • Total Elements
    • The number of elements that follows the string passed on q or if none was passed, the total of users
  • Page
    • A number to limit how many users is filtered. Work with the number that was inserted in limit
  • limit
    • The max number of users to list

This route, by default, brings 50 users.

How execute this API


Its necessary use the version 19.7 of nodejs


Run the command npm i


Run the command npm run test

Run in dev mode

Rum the command npm run dev