
Ansible setup of new workstation

Primary LanguageJinjaMIT LicenseMIT

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ansible git -y
git clone https://github.com/rogeriorocha/ansible-workstation.git

# create ssh add github
ssh-keygen -o

cd ansible-workstation
ansible-playbook install.yml

Ansible playbook/roles for setup of workstation

Install Ansible and other dependencies

All OSes requires an ssh key setup and working with github

Partial install

Add --skip-tags with any of the following tags to skip parts of the setup:

  • asdf Don't install asdf plugins
  • python Don't install python versions
  • elixir Don't install elixir utils
  • extra Only install base packages
  • security Don't setup macos security features


  • Change computer name (Settings -> Sharing)
  • Generate ssh key and upload to github ssh-keygen -t ed25519
  • Install homebrew and ansible
  • Create development home: mkdir -p ~/Development/mattiaslundberg
  • Clone repo: git clone git@github.com:mattiaslundberg/ansible-workstation.git ~/Development/mattiaslundberg/ansible-workstation
  • Copy settings.example.yaml to settings.yaml and edit with appropriate settings
  • Run ansible-playbook install.yml to install and configure the system (Optionally with --skip-tags)
  • Congigure safari settings: ansible-playbook safari.yml
  • (Optional) Run ansible-playbook hosts.yml to add blocklist in hosts file
  • Configure DNS over HTTPS: open cloudflare-https.mobileconfig and accept the policy in system settings

Ubuntu (20.04 or later)

  • Generate ssh key and upload to github
  • Copy settings.example.yaml to settings.yaml and edit with appropriate settings
sudo apt install ansible

ansible-playbook install.yml
  • (Optional) Run ansible-playbook hosts.yml to add blocklist in hosts file

Manual steps

Carbon Copy Cloner

Setup appropriate tasks. Import CCC Task Filter.plist to ignore some stuff that changes often


Import iterm.json


  • Activate nightshift
  • Activate keyboard switch shortcut
  • Activate touchpad gestures
  • Remove siri from touchbar and add lock