
Example #lang for racket that uses $ for unquote.

Primary LanguageRacketMIT LicenseMIT


An example #lang extension for racket that uses $ for unquote.

> (define x 1)
> `($x 2)
'(1 2)
> `(1 $(+ 1 1))
'(1 2)

Try It Yourself

This package is available from the racket package catalog, so you can install it using raco:

$ raco pkg install dollar

Now create a test script and run it:

$ echo '#lang dollar racket
(define x 1)
`($x 2)' > test.rkt

$ racket test.rkt
'(1 2)

You can also use racket/base, or any other language that supports the , (unquote) syntax.

Under The Hood

This language extension is essentially a single file, lang/reader.rkt, which implements the minimum three procedures required for a language: read, read-syntax and get-info. Check the source code for more details.

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