Pinned issues
- 1
- 0
visionOS support
#77 opened by RizwanaDesai - 0
- 5
Keys in different environment doesn't conform the same protocol for Debug and Release
#70 opened by CarlosNano - 0
- 4
Failed to load command: arkana
#69 opened by metasidd - 3
- 15
Failed to load command: arkana - Undefined method capitalize_first_letter
#57 opened by JeanBaptisteBolh - 7
Arkana fails on CI due to .env file missing, even when env vars are all present in CI
#33 opened by rogerluan - 5
Number string is converted to int
#50 opened by brabanod - 5
Add Support to Android
#1 opened by rogerluan - 3
- 12
- 1
Difficulty following spm setup instructions
#46 opened by dalewking - 1
Don't generate unnecessary extensions
#45 opened by dalewking - 1
Make available via Homebrew
#44 opened by pjtnt11 - 1
[Request] Support both Swift and ObjC
#40 opened by nelson-dai-17Live - 5
- 2
Add a section on guidance of ensuring running arkana command before build every time
#38 opened by tomisacat - 0
- 3
- 0
- 2
license compatibility issue: `colorize`
#26 opened by pavelmarchuk - 3
I ran arkana… what's the next step?
#24 opened by alobaili - 0
Add support to Integer env vars
#21 opened by rogerluan - 0
- 0
- 0
- 9
- 0
- 0
- 4
Issues with Xcode Build Phases Script
#17 opened by jhonny-me - 0
Support monorepo projects better
#8 opened by rogerluan - 6
Required Ruby version
#14 opened by kszczepanskidev