
A minimal Gatsby website for writing and reading cooking recipes

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Gatsby Recipe Book


This project aims to be a powerful tool for making static recipe websites with minimal requirements, leveraging cutting-edge web technologies like GatsbyJS in order to bring the best of all worlds to the oft-overlooked field of recipe websites.


  • Content editor
    The editor app has a full UI to manage recipe content, and uses Gatsby's hot-reloading development server to immediately display content changes as they're made. Use it locally, or host on your private network to edit from other devices.

  • Recipe Search The website takes advantage of gatsby-plugin-local-search and FlexSearch to allow for fully local recipe searching.

  • Filesystem-based content store
    No need to worry about keeping database backups, just use tools the operate on files! Use version control software like Git to add the ability to track and reverse changes.

  • Built for incremental builds
    By using a custom filesystem plugin, this site squeezes out the maximum efficiency of Gatsby on the filesystem.

  • Cypress E2E tests Both website and editor are end-to-end tested with Cypress, insuring against regressions through the whole app.

  • Styled with efficiency
    Uses TailwindCSS and shadcn/ui for industry standard styling that stands the test of Gatsby's hot-reloading development server.