
Primary LanguageScala

Short URL

A URL shortener REST API written in Scala 2.13 using Finch (https://finagle.github.io/finch/) and Redis (https://redis.io/)


Scala 2.13 and SBT 1.3 is required. For simplicity Redis is Embedded but can easily be replaced to a remote instance.



sbt compile


sbt test


sbt "runMain io.github.rogern.shorturl.Server" Service starts on port 8081


  • Create new short URL: POST /create with body {"url": "<your-url>"} If not exists response code shall be 201 and the short url path is the body as well as in the Location header. If exists, the repsonse code is 200 and body is the short url path.

  • Lookup short URL: GET /<short-url> shall if exists redirect to the stored real URL. Otherwise a 404 NotFound is returned.

Todo improvements

  • Url validation
  • Shutdown handler
  • Configuration for redis hosts, etc
  • Domain handling for short url path