
A plug-based CSRF protection library for Elixir

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


A plug-based CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection library with accesses storing support.

Sometimes, you need more than a per-request CSRF tokens. This is why this Plug was created. This plug supports storing tokens in any kind of storage system. And all you have to do is to implement its CsrfPlus.Store.Behaviour. By doing so you will provide ways to put, get, delete and other operations of accesses on that 'Store'.

How it works?

When a request is made, this plug will check the request method type. Request methods intended for reading data (GET, HEAD, OPTIONS) will be ignored, by default. The other requests will be checked against the CSRF token stored in the connection session, in the x-csrf-token header and the one stored in the configured Store. All those tokens must match to each other to be considered valid. The first checkings are to ensure the tokens are given. Then, the token in the session and the one in the Store are verified against each other. Later, the token on the x-csrf-token header that is a signed version of the generated token with the configured secret key will be verified against that secret key. If this verification succeeds, the returned verified token will be checked against the token in the store. If this verification also succeeds, the connection continues normally. Otherwise, if any of the checks fails, an exception will be raised and used to build the error message and response status code.


You can use CsrfPlus as a plug in your endpoint, router or in some plug pipeline. As this plug uses connection session, it must be plugged after Plug.Session and Plug.Conn.fetch_session/2. Also, this plug won't check requests origin. So, to have safer connections, use some CORS lib of your choice before CsrfPlus. A good choice is the Corsica project.

One of the princeples of this plug is to avoid the most to do "dark magic". As so, you must generate the token and its signed version, provide an :access_id and normal token in the user session and, store both the token and the access_id in the configured store and, finally, include the signed token in the x-csrf-token header. Usually, you do this step in response to a GET method request, thinking of a JSON API. But you can also use this plug with heex template pages/components. More on the examples section.

Anyway, we provide a helper function to get the tokens ready to be send in the response connection and stored in the configured store. This function is CsrfPlus.put_token/2. You will still need to generate, at least, the token and its signed version. And to generate the token and its signed version you can use CsrfPlus.Token.generate/0 that will give you back a new token tuple at every call, or you can use the CsrfPlus.get_token_tuple/1 that uses the conn struct to try to reuse the token in the connection session or generate a new one when it's not possible. The use of the later function is prefferable when using heex pages/components.

When using CORS, remmember to add the x-csrf-token header to the allowed and exposed headers. Also enable/allow the session credentials.

The access

Tokens are stored as accesses and each access must have a unique id, the access_id. You can use UUID.uuid4/0 to generate a unique id. This access_id must be the same as the token in the session and the one in the store. This is because CsrfPlus will, when checking a request, retrieve the access_id from the session and then use it to load the token in the store. A found token with the given access id will be used later to test the tokens from session and x-csrf-token in the header.


An example project that uses phoenix heex pages can be found here.

At the moment, LiveViews are not supported as they have a kind of hard coded validation through Plug.CSRFProtection. So if you want to use LiveViews you must follow the instructions at Phoenix.LiveView docs.

For an usage example on JSON Apis, check recaptcha (backend) and recaptcha-front (frontend).

How to install?

Simply, add :csrf_plus to you mix dependencies:

# mix.exs
def deps do
    {:plug, "~> 1.0"},
    {:csrf_plus, "~> 0.1"}

And then run $ mix deps.get.

Setting it up


CsrfPlus uses some configurations to get ready to run.

Token module

This module is responsible to generate and verify tokens. You can create your own Token module, since you implement the CsrfPlus.Token behaviour.

This lib ships with a 'DefaultToken' module, that is used for that. But if you want to set a custom Token module, use the config:

# config/config.exs
config :csrf_plus, CsrfPlus.Token, token_mod: YourTokenModule

When using the 'DefaultToken', you can define the function to be used to generate tokens or use the default one. To config the token generator function add the following to your config:

# config/config.exs
config :csrf_plus, CsrfPlus.Token, token_generation_fn: &your_function/0

Such a function must return a string (binary) that is the token itself. That token must be unique.

Finally, if you want to use the 'DefaultToken' module, you should set the :secret_key to be used to generate and verify tokens. That key must be at least 64 bytes long.

Config with:

# config/config.exs
config :csrf_plus, CsrfPlus.Token, secret_key: "a_good_strong_random_secret"

Please note {: .info}

This :secret_key is only needed if you are using the 'DefaultToken' module.

Store module

In short, the store module is the module that implements the Store behaviour and will keep your generated tokens ready to be checked against. If any served token is not on the store, it is considered as invalid. For more information about Stores look at the CsrfPlu.Store.Behaviour module. To config the used store module, add the following:

# config/config.exs
config :csrf_plus, CsrfPlus, store: YourStoreModule

There is no store set by default. But if you don't care about that, you can use the builtin CsrfPlus.Store.MemoryDb store. As it names suggests, it will store tokens (accesses, actually) in memory, using a GenServer.

If so, do:

# config/config.exs
config :csrf_plus, CsrfPlus, store: CsrfPlus.Store.MemoryDb 


The CsrfPlus plug accepts some options at its initialization. The following options are available:

  • :csrf_key - The key under the token is stored in the connection session. Defaults to: "_csrf_key_"

  • :allowed_methods - The requests methods that are ignored by the CSRF token validations. By defaut: ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"].

  • :raise_exception? - If true, exceptions thrown by CsrfPlus will not be caught, but reraised. Set this to false to use the ErrorMapper and have response error and status code set. Defaults to false.

  • :error_mapper - The module to be used to map exceptions to response status codes and error messages. The connection is halted after the error is set.

    There is a default module for that: CsrfPlus.ErrorMapper. But you can set your own module since it implements the CsrfPlus.ErrorMapper behaviour. The ErrorMapper map function will only be used when the option :raise_exception? is set to false.


As the CSRF validation of this lib uses a store of tokens, it's a good practice to let them have a life span. And to keep the Store of tokens updated by this rule, we use a store manager CsrfPlus.Store.Manager that will check all the tokens in the store and flag the expired tokens as so. That Manager can be started directly, but to make it easier to use with the default CsrfPlus.Store.MemoryDb store, we provide a CsrfPlus.Supervisor that will not only start them, but also keep them up.

To start the Supervisor include the following entry in your application start function:

# application.ex
def start(_type, _args) do

  children = [
    {CsrfPlus.Supervisor, opts}


Replace opts by the options you want to set for the CsrfPlus.Store.Manager. For more information about the options look at the module documentation.