SSL Certificates

  • SSL Certificates must be created prior to running the cluster, unless you plan on removing SSL settings.

  • See the file within the ssl-broker directory.

Apache Kafka Cluster

  • cluster directory

  • configuration

    • 1 Zookeeper
    • 3 Brokers
    • 1 Schema Registry
    • 1 Rest Proxy
  • User standard docker compose functions to run the cluster. The network is exposed externally to allow for monitoring to be expressed in their own docker compose file.

    • start

      docker-compose up -d
    • stop & destroy

      docker-compose down
  • Zookeeper and Brokers are configured to use JMX Prometheus Exporter to extract metrics from the cluster into prometheus.

  • Ports

hostname port localhost port description
zookeeper 2181 2181 the zookeepr administration port
zookeeper 2888 - inner zookeeper communication
zookeeper 3888 - zookeeper leader election
broker-1 9092 - Internal plaintext port for client connection to the broker.
broker-1 19092 19092 Docker host plaintext port for client connection to the broker.
broker-1 7071 17071 Prometheus JMX endpoint
broker-1 7072 17072 Joloika JMX endpoint
broker-2 9092 - Internal plaintext port for client connection to the broker.
broker-2 29092 29092 Docker host plaintext port for client connection to the broker.
broker-2 7071 27071 Prometheus JMX endpoint
broker-2 7072 27072 Joloika JMX endpoint
broker-3 9092 - Internal plaintext port for client connection to the broker.
broker-3 39092 39092 Docker host plaintext port for client connection to the broker.
broker-3 7071 37071 Prometheus JMX endpoint
broker-3 7072 37072 Joloika JMX endpoint
broker-4 9092 - Internal plaintext port for client connection to the broker.
broker-4 49092 49092 Docker host plaintext port for client connection to the broker.
broker-4 7071 47071 Prometheus JMX endpoint
broker-4 7072 47072 Joloika JMX endpoint
schema-registry 8081 8081 standard point for accessing and registing Avro schemas


  • monitoring directory

  • configuration

    • prometheus
    • grafana
    • kafka exporter
    • kafkahq
      • KafkaHQ provides access to the cluster via SSL, copy the truststore from the cluster into the monitoring directory monitoring/certs/kafka.truststore.jks. If you change the broker password, you will need to change it in the kafkahq.yml file as well.
  • Grafana

    • Administration Credentials

      • Username: admin
      • Password: grafana
    • Dashboards

      • Kafka - Standard Health of the cluster


      • Kafka Topic - provides metrics for the selected topic


        ** Row 1 - Message In / Bytes In / Bytes Out, Kafka Rate averages.

        ** Row 2 - Message In / Bytes In / Bytes Out, Kafka totals, and Grafana does the averaging.

      • Kafka Request Metrics - showcases the JMX Metrics around client response times


      • Kafka Exporter - show metrics obtained from the Kafka Exporter tool, consumer lag is the key feature


  • KafkaHQ

    • Administration Credentials

      • Username: admin
      • Password: kafkahq


  • commands to help administrate your cluster. It assumes the confluent community source or confluent enterprise installation is on your MacOS or Linux environment.


  • scripts used to test your cluster. This includes performance scripts and additional support.