
Kotlin/Gradle build scripts as re-usable plugins

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


This project contains my "personal" Kotlin/Gradle build scripts, built as re-usable plugins. Since it took me a bit of dorking to figure out how to use them properly, keeping notes seems a good option.

‼️ There is ZERO guarantee on anything here! Caveat emptor.

If there's a problem and you feel like contributing, please file an issue or fix it and submit a PR.

See the list of plugins currently available.

NOTE Artifacts are currently not published.

Just Build


THIS was the hard part that's not covered much of anywhere.


The location for custom plugins must be specified for the project via pluginManagement:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        // if you want ANYTHING to work
        // don't know if this is necessary, but probably doesn't hurt
        // especially when building this project locally
        // add custom repos here


A "non-buildSrc" project will need to explicitly enable it in scripts:

buildscript {
    dependencies {


Only requires a Java 8 JDK, since Gradle is "self-booting".

Local Artifactory

Thanks to JFrog, it's easy to setup a local repository (excluded from Git). The jfrog-test script will start (kind of setup) the Docker image locally, with a lame attempt to properly configure the server for remote access.