
Find Brazilian addresses by zip code, directly from Correios database. No HTML parsers.

Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Correios CEP

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Find Brazilian addresses by zip code, directly from Correios database. No HTML parsers.


The package can be installed by adding correios_cep to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:correios_cep, "~> 0.3"}]


iex> Correios.CEP.find_address("54250610")
   city: "Jaboatão dos Guararapes",
   complement: "",
   neighborhood: "Cavaleiro",
   state: "PE",
   street: "Rua Fernando Amorim",
   zipcode: "54250610"

iex> Correios.CEP.find_address("00000-000")
{:error, %Correios.CEP.Error{reason: "CEP NAO ENCONTRADO"}}

iex> Correios.CEP.find_address!("54250-610")
  city: "Jaboatão dos Guararapes",
  complement: "",
  neighborhood: "Cavaleiro",
  state: "PE",
  street: "Rua Fernando Amorim",
  zipcode: "54250610"

iex> Correios.CEP.find_address!("00000-000")
** (Correios.CEP.Error) CEP NAO ENCONTRADO


Options for timeout are supported. Refer to Correios.CEP.find_address/2 to see all available options.

The full documentation is available at https://hexdocs.pm/correios_cep.


See the contributing guide.


Correios CEP is released under the Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file.


Fernando Hamasaki de Amorim (prodis)

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