
Triadic Memory Algorithm

Primary LanguageMathematicaMIT LicenseMIT

Triadic Memory and related algorithms

This repository is a collection of fundamental algorithms operating on sparse distributed representations, which is our brain's data structure.

The Triadic Memory algorithm was discovered in 2021 and first published here. Subsequently, a variety of related algorithms have been derived from Triadic Memory.

Models of brain functions can be designed and implemented by creating circuits from the algorithmic components in this repository. An example is the Deep Temporal Memory algorithm, a recurring neural network based on multiple triadic memory instances and feedback lines.

The goal of this project is to build circuits able to solve increasingly complex AI tasks with very simple programs that are rooted in the brain's core cognitive algorithms.


Implementations of Triadic Memory and related algorithms are available in a growing number of programming languages:

Examples and executable Mathematica notebooks can be found here.

Triadic Memory

Triadic Memory is an associative memory that stores ordered triples of sparse binary hypervectors (also called sparse distributed representations, or SDRs).

After storing a triple {x,y,z} in memory, any of the three items can be recalled by specifying the other two parts: {_,y,z} recalls x, {x,_,z} recalls y, and {x,y,_} recalls z. Given three items {x,y,z}, one can test if their association is stored in memory by calculating, for instance, the Hamming distance or overlap between {x,y,_} and z. This remarkable property, absent in hetero-associative memories, makes Triadic Memory suitable for self-supervised machine learning tasks.

A Triadic Memory has the capacity to store (n/p)^3 random triples of hypervectors with dimension n and sparse population p. At a typical sparsity of 1 percent, it can therefore store and perfectly retrieve one million triples.

The original Mathematica code can be found here. The plain C implementation can be compiled as a command line program or as a library. It's also a good starting point for people wanting to port the algorithm to another programming language.

Performance-optimized implementations are available for Python, the Julia language, Chez Scheme, Javascript and Odin.

Dyadic Memory

Dyadic Memory realizes an associative memory for sparse hypervectors which has the functionality of a Sparse Distributed Memory (SDM) as proposed by Pentti Kanerva in 1988.

The present, highly efficient algorithm was discovered in 2021 and is based on a neural network with combinatorial connectivity.

The memory stores and retrieves heteroassociations x -> y of sparse binary hypervectors x and y. Sparse binary hypervectors are also known as Sparse Distributed Representations (SDR).

Here x and y are binary vectors of dimensions n1 and n2 and sparse populations p1 and p2, respectively. While in typical SDM usage scenarios n1 and n2 are equal, the present algorithm also allows asymmetric configurations.

The capacity of a symmetric memory with dimension n and sparse population p is approximately (n/p)^3 / 2. For typical values n = 1000 and p = 10, about 500,000 associations can be stored and perfectly recalled.

The Dyadic Memory algorithm was initially developed in Mathematica language and consists of just 10 lines of code.

The plain C implementation best illustrates the algorithm in procedural language. This version works with vector dimensions up to n = 1,200 and can be used in an asymmetric configuration where the two sides of an association have different dimension.

A memory-optimized implementation supports hypervector dimensions up to n = 20,000. It can be used as a command line tool or as C library. No other SDM currently works with dimensions that large.

An Odin implementation is available here.

A Numba-accelerated Python version is available here.

Monadic Memory

Monadic Memory is an auto-associative memory, useful for clustering/pooling a temporal stream of SDRs.

The algorithm uses a mirrored pair of Dyadic Memory instances, which effectively form a hidden layer.

It's capacity is the same as the capacity of the underlying Dyadic Memory instances, for example 500k items for dimension n = 1000 and sparse population p = 10.

Deep Temporal Memory

A temporal memory processes a stream of SDRs, at each step making a prediction for the following step based on previously seen information. It can also be used for learning separate terminated sequences.

Temporal Memory algorithms are based on circuits of two or more Triadic Memory instances with at least one feedback loop, resembling the architecture of recurrent neural networks.

The elementary Temporal Memory uses two Triadic Memory units arranged in the form of an Elman network.

The Deep Temporal Memory algorithm is a circuit of hierarchically arranged triadic memory units with multiple feedback loops. It can recognize longer and more complex temporal patterns than the elementary version based on just two memory units.

Trained with a dataset from the SPMF project, Deep Temporal Memory achieves a prediction accuracy of 99.5 percent.

A plain C implementation can be found here.