
Spring Boot Starter for Terraform

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Terraform Spring Boot

Reliability Rating Security Rating Maintainability Rating


This repository is for Spring Boot Starters of Terraform client.

How to use it

There are two ways you could use this library. One way is to directly use the TerraformClient.builder class which wraps terraform and download any require terraform version to you local machine; and the other way is to integrate it into a Spring boot application using annotations.

Build library

To build the library locally use the following command.

mvn install -Dgpg.skip

Client library

Simply add the following dependency to your project's pom.xml will enable you to use the TerraformClient class.


And now you are able to provision terraform resources in your Java application. Make sure you have already put a terraform file storage.tf under /some/local/path/ folder; and then use the Java code snippet below to invoke terraform executable operate on the resources defined in storage.tf. In this example, we also assume that you are provisioning Azure specific resource, which means you need to set some Azure related credentials using environments variables.

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
        HashMap<String, String> environmentVariables = new HashMap<>();
        environmentVariables.put("ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID", "<Azure Subscription ID>");
        environmentVariables.put("ARM_CLIENT_ID", "<Azure Client ID>");
        environmentVariables.put("ARM_CLIENT_SECRET", "<Azure Client Secret>");
        environmentVariables.put("ARM_TENANT_ID", "<Azure Tenant ID>");

        try {
            TerraformClient client = TerraformClient

            client.setWorkingDirectory(new File("/some/local/path/"));
        } catch (Exception e) {

Terraform Client Downloader library

The TerraformDownloader class can download multiple terraform versions. These will be saved inside (UserHomeDirectory)/.terraform-spring-boot. You can also define terraform version using TerraformClient.builder. That particular version will be downloaded automatically when using the client.

Example /home/user/.terraform-spring-boot

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
        TerraformDownloader terraformDownloader = new TerraformDownloader();

        TerraformClient client = TerraformClient.builder()

Spring boot

Let's still use the terraform file storage.tf under /some/local/path/ folder to provision Azure resources in this example. Rather than create the TerraformClient by ourselves, we let the spring boot framework to wire it for us. First add the following dependency to your pom.xml:


You can also enable or disable terraform output colors using the application.properties or application-${spring.profiles.active}.properties:


You can also enable or disable terraform output in json format using the application.properties or application-${spring.profiles.active}.properties:


This feature is only supported in terraform >= 0.15.3

The final step is to let the Spring framework wire up everything in your spring boot application:

Example 1: Not thread safe

public class SpringStarterSampleApp implements CommandLineRunner {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(SpringStarterSampleApp.class, args);

    private TerraformClient terraform;

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        try {

        } finally {

Example 2: Thread safe

public class SpringStarterSampleApp implements CommandLineRunner {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(SpringStarterSampleApp.class, args);

    private TerraformClient terraform;

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
        TextStringBuilder terraformOutput = new TextStringBuilder();
        TextStringBuilder terraformErrorOutput = new TextStringBuilder();
        try {
            Consumer<String> output = responseOutput -> terraformOutput.appendln(responseOutput);
            Consumer<String> errorOutput = responseError -> terraformErrorOutput.appendln(responseError);

            String terraformVersion="0.15.1";
            File workingDirectory = new File("/some/path");
            String backendStateFile = "";

            HashMap<String, String> terraformParameters = new HashMap<>();
            terraformParameters.put("tag_name","Hello World!");

            HashMap<String, String> environmentVariables = new HashMap<>();
            environmentVariables.put("ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID","<Azure Subscription ID>");
            environmentVariables.put("ARM_CLIENT_ID","<Azure Client ID>");
            environmentVariables.put("ARM_CLIENT_SECRET","<Azure Client Secret>");
            environmentVariables.put("ARM_TENANT_ID","<Azure Tenant ID>");

            TerraformProcessData terraformProcessData = TerraformProcessData.builder()

            boolean execution = terraformClient.plan(

        } catch (IOException | ExecutionException | InterruptedException exception) {

OpenTofu Support

When using with opentofu you need to use the terraformProcessData like the following:

        TerraformProcessData terraformProcessData = TerraformProcessData.builder()
                .workingDirectory(new File("/some/terraform/path"))

Custom Terraform Releases URL

You can customize the URL from where you download your terraform binary.

Use terraform releases url field in the builder:

package org.terrakube.terraform;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

public final class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String terraformVersion = "1.3.9";
        TerraformClient terraformClient = TerraformClient
                .environmentVariables(new HashMap<>())
                .terraformParameters(new HashMap<>())

This can be usefull when you would like to use some custom terraform build or if you have some network restrictions.

Your endpoint should expose with the following data:
