
nvim-cmp completion source for CSS variables

Primary LanguageLua


nvim-cmp source for global CSS variables in a project.

Demo gif

If vim.g.css_variables_files is set, variables in that file will available globally. Set it to a table of file paths, relative to the current working directory. The working directory will be searched for a file with that path.

It's expected that this completion source is used with the CSS language server, which provides completion for CSS variables defined within the file. So this completion source only supplies the values defined in vim.g.css_variables_files, not those defined in the current file.

This completion source will be active in the following filetypes: css, less, scss, and sass.

Installation & Setup

With lazy:

  dependencies = { 'roginfarrer/cmp-css-variables' },
  config = function()
    require'cmp'.setup {
      sources = {
        { name = 'css-variables' }

This completion source will pull from files defined in vim.g.css_variables_files.

vim.g.css_variables_files = { "variables.css" }

You probably will want to specify the files with global CSS variables on a per-project basis. Using Neovim's exrc setting, you can put a .nvim.lua file in the root of your project's directory with this defined there.